Moving on to Wolf RPG Editor
Welp. You’ve seen the title. I’m taking this to WRPGE.
I really wanted to to give RPG Maker XP a chance, but this is only for the best. Why?
- The map in Wolf RPG Editor is zoomed in by default, while RPG Maker XP doesn’t even have it. (And i could zoom in closer if I want to.)
- WOLF is more up to date. XP was like 20 years ago and unmaintained.
- WOLF runs faster
- I can have facesets in WOLF by default.
I won’t say trying it out was a waste of time though, because it wasn’t. I genuinely think God had me do that for a reason, because believe me, I tried dipping my foot in WRPGE before the “RPG Maker XP is free” time period, and I didn’t know what the hell to do. But now that I have, I’m at least familiar with the UI and how basic things work.
“Yeah, but there’s even less resources to learn Wolf RPG Editor in English!*
“In English.”
That’s right. Google Translate is my best friend here. There are MANY resources in Japanese about this matter. (And it could’ve been in RPGMXP too, but It doesn’t matter anymore.)
Now before I get into the hell I went through to get this to somewhat work for me, I hope you;ve been checking my Twitter for other updates. Minor updates like sprites and graphical stuff will go there from now on.
If not, I made a few facesets of Rinoe (Rye-no-eh) And also a picture of her Talking crazy to Benjiman.
And here’s a GIF of me testing WOLF out;
(Sorry for the low quality.)
The Map Chips.
Now first things first, I have to replace Wolfari (the player character) with Benjiman. According to the manual that came with the English version of WRPGE, the sprites start off with 16z16 (I think?) So I had to change it. Benjiman and all of my other assets are 32x32. Luckily, the change resolution was possible by a click in the settings.
I think you’ve seen Benji’s spritesheet One of my status updates, right? Well Wolfari can also turn diagnally.
Benjiman can’t do that!
But there is a fix to that (other than having to make more sprites of him. And I don;t feel like doing that.) All I have to do is add T before .png and all works fine. (BenjimanspriteT.png)
“We’re supposed to be talking about MAPS, not characters. What was the point of telling me that?”
The thing is, I looked into the map chips and it seems that most of the example ones were all just HUNDREDS of pieces put together to make one. I was going to DECIMATE my keyboard into 9,000 pieces until I found an example that was akin to my own tileset; it was 32x32 and it didn’t include a million pieces to make, So I thought, “Okay. All I have to do is put my tileset in the right directory and everything will be all set.”
But Oh boy; was I DEADASS wrong…
Everything was all smushed up!
After a while with the help of Google Translate, I looked in the official WRPGE forums and researched MapChips. I finally found the answer to my problems, tkool2WOLF.
Of course I had to open that up with Locale emulator. But it’s only a few buttons. Once I figured out which button did what, the tileset was FIXED. :D
As far as getting things working, WOLF doesn’t use any “coding” framework like XP does. You know, like the
print("Rinoe! If you don't back up from away from me, I'm going to taze the sh!t out of you. I've already set my boundaries like 2 times already. Stop being weird.")
kinda thing. Instead, it all works around common events and event commands, which seems easy enough, but you absolutely need to know what you’re doing, or it won’t work.
Here are some helpful resources for me;
I made one of my own.
It’s VERY simple, but this slows down overall text speed. I don’t know why it was so fast in the first place. (PAUSE!)
(Maybe I should distribute the common events to the whole world? There’s an export and import option.)
And now to figure out facesets and names…
(I replaced the Window graphic with my own and I have to stretch out the name title plate [That one small box on top of the big one.] the correct way. I’m using Cafuryn’s spritesheet for example for now until I can figure something out.)
I could also search throught the Common event database, but here;s the process on that.
- Open WRPGE in Japanese locale, so the event won’t be a bunch of gibberish (Because if you’re getting it from there, it IS in japanese.
- Copy all of the code.
- Paste it in Google Translate
- Get the translated event and Erase the one that was in Japanese in WRPGE, because you can’t really read tyhe event type outside of the program.
And even doing all of that, I STILL won’t get how it works. Google Translate isn’t always right. (At least from the ones I’ve downloaded.) So I thinik it’s better to do it myself.
And yeah that’s about it.
I should’ve BEEN made this update!
Thanks for reading anyway. Have a nice day!
Project Party Queen
Status | In development |
Author | Dreamlander |
Genre | Action, Adventure, Role Playing |
Tags | Pixel Art, RPG Maker, Singleplayer |
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